Linux – Postfix milter-reject: END-OF-MESSAGE from 4.7.1 Service unavailable – try again later


I am running postfix-2.11 version and recently i have added dkim-milter-2.8

Postfix configuration:

milter_default_action = accept
smtpd_milters = inet:localhost:8892
non_smtpd_milters = inet:localhost:8892

TCP socket Listening ( Daemon running as dkim-milter user )

[root@mail postfix]# netstat -nalp | grep dkim-filter
tcp        0      0    *                   LISTEN      19651/dkim-filter

Group permission:

[root@mail postfix]# id dkim-milter
uid=494(dkim-milter) gid=494(dkim-milter) groups=494(dkim-milter),12(mail),89(postfix)

[root@mail postfix]# id postfix
uid=89(postfix) gid=89(postfix) groups=89(postfix),12(mail),494(dkim-milter)

[root@mail postfix]# id mail
uid=8(mail) gid=12(mail) groups=12(mail),89(postfix),494(dkim-milter)

Postfix /var/spool/postfix permission:

[root@mail postfix]# ls -l /var/spool/postfix
total 56
drwx------.  2 postfix root     4096 Mar 18 12:00 active
drwx------.  2 postfix root     4096 Mar 18 06:10 bounce
drwx------.  2 postfix root     4096 Feb 20  2014 corrupt
drwx------. 18 postfix root     4096 Mar 14 13:56 defer
drwx------. 18 postfix root     4096 Mar 14 13:56 deferred
drwx------.  2 postfix root     4096 Feb 20  2014 flush
drwx------.  2 postfix root     4096 Feb 20  2014 hold
drwx------.  2 postfix root     4096 Mar 18 12:00 incoming
drwx-wx---.  2 postfix postdrop 4096 Mar 18 11:56 maildrop
drwxr-xr-x.  2 root    root     4096 Mar 18 11:43 pid
drwx------.  2 postfix root     4096 Mar 18 11:43 private
drwx--x---.  2 postfix postdrop 4096 Mar 18 11:43 public
drwx------.  2 postfix root     4096 Feb 20  2014 saved
drwx------.  2 postfix root     4096 Mar 16 11:56 trace

If i send email from google to my mail server, i am getting following error with reject But if i disable DKIM from postfix, everything works great! I don't know why dkim not handling incoming email? I tried to search everywhere on internet but none of them has solution.

Mar 18 10:21:05 164-172 postfix/cleanup[18029]: 9694A820891: milter-reject: END-OF-MESSAGE from[]: 4.7.1 Service unavailable - try again later; from=<> to=<> proto=ESMTP helo=<>

Best Answer


As @masegaloeh said dkim-milter discontinue. Just installed OpenDKIM and problem has been resolved.