Linux – preventing “sudo su -” but allow “sudo su – serveruser”


First, I am NOT looking for rock star security. We just at a glance want to prevent "sudo su -" and it is a policy here to always use sudo when running commands and we all want that. Ideally we would like to log something if someone does try "sudo su -" to please obey the culture and never become root so we can reverse engineer all commands run and what happened. Is there a way to do this to prevent sudo su – but allow "sudo su – serveruser"


Best Answer

You can specify the full "su - foouser" in the sudoers file - the entire command string must be matched, which prevents a simple "su -". On the downside, you'll have to list all acceptable destination users with separate allowed commands.

Alternately, you can use sudoers to specify groups of destination users and have them use the "sudo -U " format.