Linux – Problems with ACID / BASE interface for SNORT IDS on remote host


I've just installed SNORT and ACID/BASE following this step by step tutorial: on a remote Debian host over SSH. The main difference being that I have already setup a firewall that fillers all incoming traffic except for SSH, HTTPS and loopback.

Now when I try to access https ://domain.xx/acidbase/base_db_setup.php , i.e. acidbase's front end in the final configuration step I get the following error:
You don't have permission to access /acidbase/base_db_setup.php on this server.

I have already run this command:
sudo sed -i "s#allow\ from\\ from\\ my-vpn-gateway.xx#" /etc/acidbase/apache.conf
and restarted Apache.

I also tried to access the URL from within my SSH session via Lynx web browser but whenever I type: https ://localhost/ it tells me:
Unable to make secure connection to remote host.
However when I type: https ://mydomain.xx/ it works. So maybe I also have some bug in my Apache configuration.

The remote host is running an Apache 2.2 web server, and I disabled the VirtualHost on port 80 and left only the one for port 443.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

Best Answer

Finally discovered the problem. It was actually an Apache configuration problem. All I had to do is add back:
NameVirtualHost *:80
Listen 80

To my ports.conf file and restart Apache. I had initially removed them before setting up the Firewall to restrict the access to HTTPS only. After this I managed to access http://localhost from the Lynx web browser within my SSH session.

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