Linux – Process running in background got killed in linux


I am having a remote server to which i connect using ssh. I started a process(mongodb) on the server using following command-
"/usr/bin/mongod –dbpath /mnt/ebs-300/mongodb –logpath /mnt/ebs-300/log/mongodb/mongodb.log run –config /etc/mongodb.conf &"

As '&' is appended to the command this process runs in the background. After running the process and checking its working properly i exit from the teminal(ssh).
This process got killed after some time by printing the below logs –
"got kill or ctrl c or hup signal 1 (Hangup), will terminate after current cmd ends"

Can some one please guide me if I am doing wrong or there is proper way to run the process from the remote terminal.


Best Answer

I would suggest that although '&' runs the command in background, when you exit your terminal it is still getting sent SIGHUP. You could use the disown command

disown prevents the current shell from sending a HUP signal to each of the given jobs when the current shell terminates a login session.

If job is omitted, the most recently started or stopped background job is used.