Linux – Production Instance : CLOSE_WAIT Connection Issue

amazon ec2centoslinuxtomcat

I am using 10EC2 Instances behind 1 ELB. And ELB configured 80 to 8080 and 443 to 8080 port.

And all 10EC2 instances having installed with Apache Tomcat, total request on ELB around 8000 to 10000 in 1 minute.

I am facing problem for CLOSE_WAIT connection on 10 EC2 Instance, having Apache Tomcat.

EC2 Instance Type : m1.xlarge

When we restart the Apache Tomcat, all CLOSE_WAIT connections are lost, but its not proper way to work on Production Instances.

Please help me out.

Best Answer

Some clients don't properly close the TCP connection when they're done. That's out of your control. These generally time out after a bit, and don't create too much of a problem, other than cluttering the listing you get from netstat -an and similar.

So, why you are having a problem with it?

This might be pertinent: What limits the maximum number of connections on a Linux server?

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