Linux – ProFTPd Server Behind Firewall Returns Internal IP Address


I have 2 servers, one as gateway/router, the other one as server. I use iptables to port forward the following ports: 21, 20, 65500-65600. When I connect with Filezilla or Total Commander, the ftp client knows that represents an internal IP address and switches to the external IP address. However, the NPPftp plugin from Notepad++ connects to the server, but when it switches to passive mode, it tries the internal IP address and freezes.


220 ProFTPD x.x.x Server []
-> USER www  
331 Password required for www
230 User www logged in
-> TYPE A  
200 Type set to A
-> MODE S  
200 Mode set to S
-> STRU F  
200 Structure set to F
-> PWD  
257 "/" is the current directory
-> CWD /  
250 CWD command successful
-> PASV  
227 Entering Passive Mode (10,10,0,1,255,222).
-> LIST -al  
Failure retrieving contents of directory /

Is there a way to return the external IP address for the passive ports from iptables?

Best Answer

From doc, thereis a MasqueradeAddress address to use, and you are to define the range of ports to allow (or use the conntrack_ftp module like MadHatter said)