Linux – PROFTPD – Why permissions denied


I have installed proftpd on my server, I tried to connect to the server but I get LOGIN INCORRECT. I have seen the log and I found this:

Apr 26 13:02:39 vmi**** proftpd[16738] vmi*****.*********.com (*********[::ffff:...*]): notice: unable to use '~/' [resolved to '/home/lighttpd/vhosts/']: Permission denied

The permission of /home/lighttpd/vhosts/mywebsite/web are:

drwxr-x--- 2 4096 2011-04-26 12:04 web

PROFTPD runs with proftpd:proftpd permissions.

TO solve this I have added proftpd user to group.

Take a look at /etc/group

So I have added proftpd to the group and set RW permissions to /web directory.

I don't understand why I get PERMISSION DENIED.

Best Answer

Every directory in the full path has to have x (execute) permission for the user, otherwise he'll not be able to cwd into it. So you have to check permissions of:


not only /home/lighttpd/vhosts/mywebsite/web

Additionally /home/lighttpd/vhosts/mywebsite/web should have r permission set to allow read the directory, i.e. list its content.