Linux – Puppet node does not pull changes from master


I have followed the following three How-To's

I get to the point of being able to start the puppet node, and on the master using puppet cert --list seeing the certificate and accepting it using cert --sign

However passed this point the node does not pick up the changes from the master. The master has the following node:

   include apache2

And the following manifest:

package {
        ensure => installed

service {
        ensure => true,
        enable => true,
        require => Package['apache2']

I have restarted puppet and puppetmaster multiple times as well as let the servers sit all weekend and still the node has not installed apache2 onto itself.


Using puppet master --verbose -no-daemonize I receive the following:

root@puppetmaster:/etc/puppet/manifests# puppet master --verbose -no-daemonize
Error: Could not intialize global default settings: Error parsing arguments
Wrapped exception:
invalid argument syntax: '--'

Using `puppet agent –test –noop' I receive the following:

root@puppet:/var/log/puppet# puppet agent --test --noop
Notice: Skipping run of Puppet configuration client; administratively disabled (Reason: 'Disabled by default on new installations');
Use 'puppet agent --enable' to re-enable.

Best Answer

I see you do not have logs. I would stop puppetmaster on the master server then run it this way:

puppet master --verbose --no-daemonize

On the node server, stop puppet service and run it verbose with noop:

puppet agent --test --noop

This should give you some output that will hopefully help troubleshooting.

My guess: Certificate issues. It usually is with puppet.

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