Linux – Puppet overwrites symlinked directory


I am using Puppet to manage the configurations of some servers. One of the tasks is to create a specific folder structure under /www for hosting our applications.

But lately, we've had this server where /www is just a symbolic link to another directory (had to do that because of storage shortage)

$ ls -l /www
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Oct 25 15:33 /www -> /storage/www/

And we've been using this so far to manage directories:

file { $path:
ensure => directory,
owner  => user,
group  => group,
mode   => 'a=rx,u+w'

The issue with this specific server, is that when running Puppet, the /www symlink gets deleted and Puppet creates a new regular directory under /www instead. And that breaks the applications for us unless we intervene manually to create the symbolic link again.

My question:
Does someone know of a way that makes Puppet not delete the symlink and just treat it as a directory: If no /www directory or no /www symlink exists, create the /www directory, else do nothing?

Best Answer

The short answer is to change

file { $path:
    ensure => directory,
    owner  => user,
    group  => group,
    mode   => 'a=rx,u+w'


file { $path:
    ensure => link,
    target => /path/to/original/directory
    owner  => user,
    group  => group,
    mode   => 'a=rx,u+w'

By using ensure => directory, you are telling puppet that you want a directory, and that anything else it finds (like a file or symbolic link) it should clobber and replace with the directory. By using ensure => link, you'll be telling puppet that you want a symbolic link that points to the value of target, which in turn could be a directory, a file, or a device. Depending on what you're doing, you may need to create a file type (using ensure => directory) on your target, if you need puppet to manage it.

I would strongly recommend you read the documentation for the file type to better understand how to use it.


To distinguish between different servers, you'll want to use individual node definitions for your different servers. You could essentially do the following to get what you want:

node '' {
    file { $path:
        ensure => directory,
        owner  => user,
        group  => group,
        mode   => 'a=rx,u+w'

node '' {
    file { $path:
        ensure => link,
        target => /path/to/original/directory
        owner  => user,
        group  => group,
        mode   => 'a=rx,u+w'