TLS – Resolving Handshake Failure After Upgrade to TLSv1.2


I am working on a Java 1.7 application on a Linux Centos server that connects to a third party using SOAP. Everything was working, until the third party upgraded their ssl from TLSv1.1 to TLSv1.2. Now when we try call their service, we get: SSLHandshakeException invoking Received fatal alert:

We also have another Linux Centos server, that uses the exact same code base, but it can call the SOAP service with no errors. So I have tried to compare to find any differences. The differences I can find, is that some of the directory structures are different, but the files I think are applicable are the same. For example,


Are both in the same place, and both have the same ciphers:

SSLEngine on
SSLProtocol all -SSLv2 -SSLv3
SSLHonorCipherOrder on

They both have the same certificate issued by the third party company.


I have stopped the firewall.

sudo systemctl stop firewalld


Do you know where else I can look, and what I can try?

Best Answer

You have to be using a version of Java that has TLS 1.2 support (I'm not sure if 1.7.0_09 falls into that boat, but I know later versions of 1.7 do) and it has to be one of the enabled protocols. This question has details on that:

Java 1.7 has been EOL since 2015, so upgrading would probably be in the best interest to avoid future issues.