Linux – Recursively copying hidden files – Linux


Is there an easy way to recursively copy all hidden files in a directory to another directory? I would like to back up just all the settings files in a home directory, not the normal files. I tried:

cp -R .* directory

but it recognizes . and .. and recursively copies all the non-hidden files too. Is there a way to get cp to ignore . and ..?

Best Answer

My favorite to move dirs in general has been:

tar cvf - . | (cd /dest/dir; tar xvf -)

which tars up the current directory to stdout then pipes it to a subshell that first cd's to the destination directory before untarring stdin. Simple, direct, extensible - consider what happens when you replace the () with an ssh to another machine. Or to answer your question you might do:

tar cvf - .* --exclude=\. --exclude=\.\. | (cd /dest/dir; tar xvf -)