Linux – Redhat Enterprise server is restarting and shutting down inexplicably


We have a Redhat Enterprise server (not set up by us, but we have no reason to assume its not a stock installation) that is restarting every few weeks for no apparent reason whatsoever. On previous occasions there was nothing in the log file which suggested it just died without warning.

We just discovered that the server has been down since Saturday, and the logs seem to indicate an orderly shutdown:

Dec 19 14:23:38 SKUNK1 shutdown: shutting down for system halt

The problem is that we have no idea why it shutdown, and are pretty sure that it wasn't anyone doing it deliberately.

Can anyone suggest why this might be occurring, and how we can diagnose it?

Best Answer

See this question. The last time I saw something like this, it was a broken motherboard sensor thinking that there was an overtemp and was shutting the computer down to protect it.

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