Linux – Reducing Latency Between US and India/South Asia or Desktop Access on CentOS 7+ GNOME


We have a server in US DC that is getting accessed from US and India, S Asia and SE Asia. With 128GB RAM, CPU and Cent OS 7 + GNOME desktop and it runs VNC server – the server gets access through VNC viewer or Guacamole-on-vnc. We tried Nomachine server-client pair as well.

We face slugginshness in desktop such as moving Window from one place to another, scrolling in GVIM etc. It reduces productivity. Gucamole is better than VNC ( may be nomachine as well) but it's still visible.

Below is a latency picture of one access.

In MNCs, we have seen that US server access from India or vice-e-versa is lag free. Those may not be as smooth as having server in same country, but you can work in them pretty much. Not in our case.

**Can somebody please help to find a solution here such as –

  1. A GRE Tunnel or VPN etc to create a dedicated path/remove hops from US to S/SE Asia with a landing in India etc.
  2. Any liter version of desktop/remote access mechanism.
  3. Or just better to rent a server in India ( we are thinking same).

Any suggestion will be appreciated greatly.**

enter image description here

Best Answer

There's nothing you can do to change the underlying latency. Renting a server closer to your users would seem to be the only and best solution.