Syslogd – Changing Hostname for Remote Logging


I am running ddwrt v24-sp2 on three WRT54GL routers. These routers all send their syslog information to the same remote server using syslogd

The problem is that in the logs the hostname will change between the LAN IP and

This makes it hard to tell which device is doing what when I have several events listed as localhost and makes it impossible to script events to happen when certain syslog messages are received.

Does anyone know of any way I can differentiate which message comes from which host? Is there some option I did not see to for a tag or extra information into the message. Can I force the host to send its hostname with each message?

Here is an example of the syslog output:

06-28-2010 11:43:57 User.Info Jun 28 17:43:58 : >Connecting to *.*.*.*

06-28-2010 11:43:54 User.Info Jun 28 17:43:54 : >Connecting to *.*.*.*

06-28-2010 11:43:52 Daemon.Info Jun 28 17:43:53 >chillispot[428]: chilli.c: 1088: Rereading configuration file and doing DNS lookup

06-28-2010 11:43:51 Daemon.Info Jun 28 17:43:52 >chillispot[623]: chilli.c: 1088: Rereading configuration file and doing DNS lookup

06-28-2010 11:43:51 Daemon.Info Jun 28 17:43:51 >chillispot[4185]: chilli.c: 1088: Rereading configuration file and doing DNS lookup



Best Answer

Try using syslog-ng. I ran into a number of problems with syslogd on openwrt. I suspect you are running into the similar problems. See my documentation on using syslog-ng with openwrt. My logging server is Ubuntu running rsyslogd.

Alternatively, you should be able to do the required changes on the logging server using syslog-ng to rerwrite the log message based on the sending server.