Linux – Remove swap completely or set swappiness to 0


In managing a server with 512GB of RAM I encountered a process that keeps consuming swap until it hits 100% of the swap space then stops consuming more (6GB of swap) but keeps working fine (albeit, when a request enters the process, it takes a long time (20+ min) to get to the required performance).

Even setting swappiness to 0 doesn't prevent this proces from swapping.

Swapping happens while free shows this:

# free -h --giga
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:           515G         16G        2.3G         30M        497G        496G
Swap:          5.8G        1.0M        5.8G

The process in question:

# smem -s swap -t -n -k
  PID User     Command                         Swap      USS      PSS      RSS
36776 1000     java -XX:+UseG1GC -Xms1G -X     1.6M    13.4G    13.4G    13.4G
  148 11                                       2.0M    15.1G    15.2G    15.9G

It keeps growing and growing over time (at a rate of ~20 MB / hour) until 100% swap is consumed. It might be worth mentioning it is running in a docker container but I don't know if that influences anything.


# cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness

I really want to disable swap completely at this point but this answer strongly recommends against it. What are my options to keep this programs' memory completely in RAM?

Best Answer

Since your question is about process inside Docker container, it is worth checking if you are not missing vm.overcommit_memory=1 configuration as described here: Node using swap memory instead of host memory

By default, Docker recommends using a value of vm.swappiness=0 for Docker environments, which prevents swapping except in the case of an OOM (OutOfMemory) condition. All nodes must set vm.overcommit_memory=1, which tells the kernel to always allow memory allocations until there is no truly memory. This article explains a situation that can occur whenever a value other 0 is used for vm.swappiness. If vm.swappiness is set to a value higher than 0, you might notice that only swap memory is being used on the node even though host memory was available.