Linux: rename file/dir in it’s current location w/o changing pwd to that location


At the command line, lets say my pwd is something like:


And there is a file in some deep directory that I want to rename. Normally I would do this:

# mv /var/some/deep/folder/structure/fileA /var/some/deep/folder/structure/fileB

What question is, are there any command line tricks to rename a file/dir without having to type out the entire directory structure again? Something like:

# mv /var/some/deep/folder/structure/fileA fileB

The problem with that command is that it moves fileA to your pwd. Obviously I want to keep it in the same location and simply rename it. So as I said, are there any tricks to achieve this without having to type out the entire directory structure again? It's simply a question out of curiosity and laziness.

Best Answer

Depends on your shell. In zsh you can:

mv /var/some/deep/folder/structure/{fileA,fileB}

If you're using bash, consider migrating to zsh - it's a pretty straightforward process and I'm sure you'll love zsh. :)


It seems to work in bash, see Lunar_Lamp's comment.