Linux – report per-process IO stats with pidstat or sar


I'm trying to track io usage of a few "suspect" processes over time. Ideally would like to make those stats available via munin, or push directly to graphite. However, as a starting point it would be great to be able to track this usage over time in a reasonably space/resource-efficient way. And then be able to retrieve, say, top 10 IO consumers and their data read/write stats over a period of time.

pidstat -d 2 seems to produce great output of the top io consuming processes every few seconds. And I understand that sar has some built-in archiving, but I'm not sure how to make it archive the stats that I get on pidstat (maybe in the SA1_OPTIONS? I'm on debian/ubuntu).

Other than piping pidstat to disk and then running some collection / aggregation over the output, are there any way to do the same thing (but more efficiently) with sar and then retrieve the stats later?

Best Answer

came up with this ad-hoc bash script that forwards pidstat info (per-process IO read and write) to graphite via carbon


hostname=`hostname -s`    

pidstat -h -d 1 | grep --line-buffered -v '^$' | grep --line-buffered -v '^#' | grep --line-buffered -v '^Linux' | awk --assign=hostname=${hostname} '{ printf " %s %s\nservers.%s.pidstat.%s.write %s %s\n", hostname, $6, $3, $1, hostname, $6, $4, $1 ; fflush(); }' > /dev/tcp/${carbon_host}/${carbon_port}