Linux – Resizing partitions/moving /u01 oracle directory


I've got a test server recently set up at work which has oracle installed under /u01 – but without realising it, I've set the root partition to be ~50GB, so have filled the partition very quickly once I started loading tablespaces.

The /home partition is ~1.8TB with ~1.4TB free. Basically I'm trying to work out either
1) How to resize the /home and /(root) partitions
2) How to move the /u01 folder to /home/oracle/u01 or similar without Oracle going mental

I can't change the partitions while the server is running, presumably… would my best bet be to use a live CD or something to resize partitions, or is it possible to resize while running? Or alternatively, can I move Oracle's base folder without causing too much trouble


Best Answer

Create a new directory for Oracle in the 1.8TB /home. Then either (a) have your DBA tell Oracle to use that; or (b) shutdown Oracle, move the contents of /u01 to this new directory, remove /u01 and recreate /u01 as a symbolic link to the new directory.