Linux – restarting authconfig changes order of the /etc/nsswitch.conf


Here is my nsswitch.conf:

passwd:     files ldap sss
shadow:     files ldap sss
group:     files sss

When I restart authconfig, it removes ldap from passwd, shadow, and group.

Here's my authconfig.

authconfig --enableldap --enableldapauth --disablenis --enablecachecreds --   disableldaptls --enablelocauthorize --ldapserver= --enableshadow --ldapbasedn="dc=wh,dc=local" --enablesssd --updateall

Where do I go to configure and make sure ldap will stay in the nsswitch.conf when I restart authconfig?

Best Answer

I changed one of the options in the authconfig command.

I changed --updateall to --update

It doesn't affect my /etc/nsswitch.conf anymore.