Linux – Restrict a Linux user to the files he owns


Imagine a server setup of a shared webhosting company where multiple (~100) customers have shell access to a single server.

A lot of web "software" recommends to chmod files 0777. I'm nervous about our customers unwisely following these tutorials, opening up their files to our other customers. (I'm certainly not using cmod 0777 needlessly myself!) Is there a method to make sure that customers can only access their own files and prevent them from accessing world readable files from other users?

I looked into AppArmor, but that is very tightly coupled to a process, which seems to fail in that environment.

Best Answer

Put a restricted and immutable directory between the outside world and the protected files, e.g.

 ├─ bin
 ├─ home
 │  └─ joe <===== restricted and immutable
 │     └─ joe <== regular home directory

or /home/joe/restricted/public_html.

Restricted means that only the user and perhaps the web server can read it (e.g. modes 0700/0750 or some ACLs).

Immutability can be done with chattr +i or by changing the ownership to something like root:joe.

An easy way to create that hierarchy on Ubuntu would be to edit /etc/adduser.conf and set GROUPHOMES to yes.