Linux – Restrict SSH commands for a group of users


I'm trying to set up an environment where a number of users in a certain group can SSH into a server and then execute a set of predefined commands on it, using either a key exchange or a password.
So far I've been told to look into the authorized_keys "commands" section, but as far as I can tell this is only useful for non-human users.

Is there a way to either blacklist or whitelist a number of commands for a certain user group?

For example, users in group X should be able to ls, /etc/init.d, rm, but nothing else.

Best Answer

You will need to create a restricted command shell in the script language of your choice, then set up sshd to force usage of this restricted shell for the group you specify.

Example 8-1 and other following parts of O'Reilly's SSH, The Secure Shell Chapter 8 show ways to do the former.

For the latter, see the Match directive description in sshd_config(5).

As an example, you could add the following to /etc/ssh/sshd_config:

Match Group X
ForceCommand /path/to/your/restricted_shell