Linux – Reverse DNS entry when using “external” dns server


Administrator of my company allowed me to put my own server in our datacenter and gave me one public address of our AS pool.
I've installed linux and configured basic services. Then i've added A record in DNS server (OVH – where i've bought domain) to map my subdomain to public address of my server.
Everything works good, but now theres last thing to configure – reverse dns. Is there any possible way to make reverse mapping of my IP address to subdomain, if i have only one address of pool and my domain is hosted on outside server (OVH)?
When i have only domain in OVH, i cant add a ptr record.
I can use internal DNS of my company (but only for this one record, I cant move whole domain) if it can help.
Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

You control the domain name, not the IP block. You can assign your domain to any IP you want. The only person able to add a PR record back to your domain (or to any hostname they want) is the admin who controls that IP block. You can do a search online for "whois" and type in the IP to find the owner, or just ask whoever your IT contact is at work.