Linux Rhel5.6 : SCSI protocol version — where is it defined


In our environment, we have several storages cabinets connected to RH Linux servers. Depending on the storage cabinet connected to the host, some LUNs are seen using SCSI protocol version 2 (version=0x02 [SCSI-2] ), others are seen with protocol version 4. (version=0x04 [SPC-2]).

Where is this protocol version configured ? Is this on Operating System side ? or on the Storage side ? We have installed the RH servers using exactly the same way.
We open a case at RHEL and to our storage vendor, of course RHEL says it is the storage and the storage vendor tells us it is the OS.

This has an impact on LUN discovery (LUN ids are not in sequence –> you need to manually tell scsi-rescan the range of LUN ids you want to scan –> not possible to view all the LUNs at reboot without manual intervention).

We don't know where to look any more, does someone have an ID to where to look?
Bellow is the output of sg_inq on 3 different servers.

[qualification:root@xxxxxxxx:/root]$ sg_inq /dev/sda
standard INQUIRY:
PQual=0 Device_type=0 RMB=0 version=0x02 **[SCSI-2]**
[AERC=0] [TrmTsk=0] NormACA=0 HiSUP=1 Resp_data_format=2
SCCS=0 ACC=0 TPGS=0 3PC=0 Protect=0 BQue=0
EncServ=0 MultiP=1 (VS=0) [MChngr=0] [ACKREQQ=0] Addr16=1
[RelAdr=0] WBus16=0 Sync=0 Linked=0 [TranDis=0] CmdQue=1
[SPI: Clocking=0x0 QAS=0 IUS=0]
length=184 (0xb8) Peripheral device type: disk
Vendor identification: HITACHI
Product identification: DF600F
Product revision level: 0000
Unit serial number: 850531780000

[root@ccccccccccc ~]# sg_inq /dev/sda
standard INQUIRY:
PQual=0 Device_type=0 RMB=0 version=0x04 **[SPC-2]**
[AERC=0] [TrmTsk=0] NormACA=0 HiSUP=1 Resp_data_format=2
SCCS=0 ACC=0 TPGS=0 3PC=0 Protect=0 BQue=0
EncServ=0 MultiP=1 (VS=0) [MChngr=0] [ACKREQQ=0] Addr16=1
[RelAdr=0] WBus16=0 Sync=0 Linked=0 [TranDis=0] CmdQue=1
[SPI: Clocking=0x0 QAS=0 IUS=0]
length=184 (0xb8) Peripheral device type: disk
Vendor identification: HITACHI
Product identification: DF600F
Product revision level: 0000
Unit serial number: 8505035001DA

[pre-prod:root@vvvvvvvvv:/home/a143524]$ sg_inq /dev/sda
standard INQUIRY:
PQual=0 Device_type=0 RMB=0 version=0x04 **[SPC-2]**
[AERC=0] [TrmTsk=0] NormACA=0 HiSUP=1 Resp_data_format=2
SCCS=0 ACC=0 TPGS=0 3PC=0 Protect=0 BQue=0
EncServ=0 MultiP=1 (VS=0) [MChngr=0] [ACKREQQ=0] Addr16=1
[RelAdr=0] WBus16=0 Sync=0 Linked=0 [TranDis=0] CmdQue=1
[SPI: Clocking=0x0 QAS=0 IUS=0]
length=184 (0xb8) Peripheral device type: disk
Vendor identification: HITACHI
Product identification: DF600F
Product revision level: 0000
Unit serial number: 850503500032

The driver is the default qla module comming with rhel
We do not change a lot of parameters:

options qla2xxx qlport_down_retry=1 ql2xplogiabsentdevice=1 ql2xmaxqdepth=16

which result as :

[qualification:root@xxxxxxxx]$ for i in  /sys/module/qla2xxx/parameters/*;
echo $i;cat $i;



















Another thing that let me think to a linux problem is :
The following output is different on evry host : SCSI revision give different results

cat /proc/scsi/scsi:

Host: scsi1 Channel: 00 Id: 04 Lun: 99
  Vendor: HITACHI  Model: DF600F           Rev: 0000
  Type:   Direct-Access                    ANSI SCSI revision: 02

But With SCLI i found always the same output SBC-2 :

LUN 99
Product Vendor                 : HITACHI 
Product ID                     : DF600F          
Product Revision               : 0000
LUN                            : 99
Size                           : 100.00 GB
Type                           : SBC-2 Direct access block device
                       (e.g., magnetic disk)
WWULN                          : 48-49-54-41-43-48-49-20-38-35-30-35-32-38-39-30
OS LUN Name                    : /dev/sdiz;/dev/sg259;

Does this give some idea to anyone?

27/10/2011 UPDATE:

Hi we recently made two interesting tests:

  • presenting a Lun from the same storage to another hosts (this test was obvious since we had the same issue on the 3 member of a RAC cluster)

–> Ths SCSI revision was OK

  • presenting a Lun from another storage to the problematic hosts

–> The scsi revision was OK on this host

We have notice that these 3 RAC nodes have a lot of disks on different storage…
Since one storage has to be decomissioned, we will first clean up this before going further…

We decide also to implement a scsi-rescan in the boot sequence to be able to reboot the machine without issue (I hate that kind of work around)

I'll keep your other proposal for the future 😉

I'll keep you posted on this

Best Answer

The protocol version is a property of the drive, or, emulation layer sitting between the drive(s) and the host. If you have a cabinet that performs RAID functions and presents a single LUN representing multiple deivces, or some configurable slice, then it is the raid layer that defines what SCSI protocol version it speaks.