Linux – rsync: can’t get rid of password prompt


I'm trying to run rsync to copy files (Centos 5.2 -> Centos 5.2) and I need run using nohup it so it can run after I disconnect my ssh session. The problem is I cannot get rsync to not prompt for a passowrd, and I cannot get nohup to play nice with the password prompt.

rsync -v -r -x --password-file=/root/password.txt /sourcedir/ root@

I've tried both setting the RSYNC_PASSWORD variable to the password and creating a file with the password and using –password-file, but in both those case I still get the prompt asking for the password.

How do I give rsync the password it needs to it will run happily?

Best Answer

You can use public/pricate key authentication.

Generate a pair public/private key with

ssh-keygen -t rsa

then copy into .ssh/authorized_keys file in your home directory in the destiny host.