Linux – Rsync over SSH getting no tty present


I'm using the following command in root's crontab on Debian.

rsync -vqrlHEAXogDtzhi --log-file=${LOG} --progress --rsync-path="sudo /usr/bin/rsync" --exclude-from=$CONFIG_DIR/excludes -e "ssh -i /home/backups/.ssh/id_rsa" backups@${HOSTNAME}:/ ${BACKUP_DIR}

And I'm getting the following:

sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified

I have tried adding -t to the ssh command and I get:

Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.

I have tried adding -t -t to the ssh command and I get:

protocol version mismatch -- is your shell clean?

I have added a .hushlogin to the backups user on the remote box and confirmed that I can ssh as backups using a key to the remote box with nothing displayed (login is hushed). I still get these messages.

Note that I can ssh as backups to the remote box using a key successfully.

Note that my sudo does not have the -tt option.

Note that the following is set in source and destination's /etc/sudoers file:

backups ALL= NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/rsync

Note that my /etc/sudoers file does not have any reference to:

Defaults    requiretty

Note that I won't echo my password in the command.

How can I skin this cat? 😐


Best Answer

Sometimes you think too hard about things.

Rsync was not installed on the remote system.
