Linux – rsync + Permission denied


I want to copy the some_file using rsync to my machine (red hat 5.3)
from other linux server also (red hat 5.3)

Is it possible to copy the file without to get "Permission denied." ?

Remark – the login and password on machine is:


 rsync -WavH  --progress .

 Permission denied.
 rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes read so far)
 rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(165)

Best Answer

It looks like you need to supply a password to access your remote system. You can do this by using the --password-file=/path/to/file/containing/password.

rsync -WavH --password-file=/$HOME/passfile --progress root@ .

Make sure that the permissions on /$HOME/passfile are 600 (chmod 600 /$HOME/passfile) otherwise you may leave ypur root password on view.