Linux – rsyslog: How to direct messages from all remote machines to one file


We have a syslog server and we have all our servers logging to it.

We want a sort of "catch-all" drippan rule for all remote messages that we have not configured a rule for.

Anyone know how to accomplish this?

Best Answer

So this is how I configured this in rsyslog.conf:

# Log remote hosts to separate log file
$template PerHostLog,"/var/log/remote-hosts/%HOSTNAME%.log"
$template RemoteHostFileFormat,"%TIMESTAMP% %HOSTNAME% %syslogfacility-text% %syslogtag%%msg:::sp-if-no-1st-sp%%msg:::space-cc,drop-last-lf%\n"
:inputname, isequal, "imudp" ?PerHostLog;RemoteHostFileFormat
& ~

This traps all log messages received via UDP (imudp) and puts it in a file whose filename corresponds to the hostname the log message originated from.