Linux – Samba group doesn’t appear on Network Neighborhood


I have a samba server (Samba version 3.6.9-151.el6).
My ip server has multiple ip address, and it uses dns proxy for name resolution.

I have 2 problem:

  1. Samba share works with IP but not with hostname from Windows Xp.
  2. Samba group doesn't appear on Network Neighborhood

My dns works and I'm able to make name resolution on all my ip address.

Only pc on network see samba shared folder, the pc on network and don't see shared folder.

Below is the smb.conf about my request related part:

workgroup = SERVER
server string = ServerXXX Samba Server Version %v
hosts allow = 127. 192.168.1. 192.168.168. 172.16.0.
deadtime = 0
keepalive = 300
lanman auth = yes
client lanman auth = yes
local master = yes
preferred master = no

wins support = yes
dns proxy = yes

Best Answer

sounds like NetBIOS name resolution doesn't work at all. are the xp clients and the server on the same ip network? remember that NetBIOS primarily uses broadcast to announce network names. of you are both ends of the smb session on different ip networks then you need clients to register to the wins server