Linux – Scan for connected, powered on computers on a network


I want to scan for powered on computers on my LAN and gather logs about that. I tried nmap but it didn't work very well (a lot of switched on computers are not getting detected).

nmap -sP
Nmap done: 256 IP addresses (10 hosts up) scanned in 6.07 seconds

I also thought about looking at network TCP packets for IPs, but I don't know of any tool ready to do that.

On this network, all computers have static IPs associated, so a IP identifies a computer. The PCs have different operating systems (Windows 7, Ubuntu 10.04, Ubuntu 12.04 and more).

What's my best chance?

Best Answer

Have you tried other scan options from nmap? The ping option may not always work, but other scan options may be more reliable? Try,

nmap -PS (TCP SYN ping)


nmap -PR (ARP scan)

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