Linux SCP File transfer No space left on device


I am trying to transfer one zip file from a linux based machine to a Windows based using SCP.

I can go through the transfer ok but when it completes it says "No space left on device".

The destination of the share has a LOT of free space. I am transferring a file of around 5 gig but theres several hundred gig free on the share.

I was thinking it might be an issue thh directory paths. On the windows server box the share would be c:\folder when I use SCP in linux I use /folder.

Hope this makes sense.

Best Answer

Just another guess: Is the SCP server running on the Windows machine a 64-bit software? If that's a 32-bit executable it will probably not support files over 4 GB (okay, GiB, so 4 x 1024 x 1024 x 1024 bytes).

Quick check: if you see "*32" in the Task Manager after the filename then that's a 32-bit executable. (See more: )

But if it's a 64-bit executable that still does not guarantee it can handle files over 4 GB...

Have you tried to transfer files about 4 GB? If a file below 4 GB (for example 3800 MB) is transferred without any problems but larger than 4 GB fails then the best guess is that SCP server can't handle this big files.

Another guess: there might be low disk space in the temp directory (opening %TEMP% will lead you there).