Linux secure file sharing without ssh login access


I'm looking for a way to make a directory on a linux system available for reading to other linux and windows clients. The share must require some authentication from the client and the passwords and files must be sent encrypted.

The clients should only be able to access the shared directory by some protocol, but NOT be able to log in via ssh. If I'm not mistaken that rules out sftp, scp and samba.

Is there a way to achieve this by some other file sharing technique or settings or do I need to have a linux user that can also do ssh login?

If I need a user who can ssh, I have found

but would prefer not to have the user at all, or block it from logging in.

Best Answer

Using WebDAV protocol is probably the best option for this requirement. You can setup Apache httpd to act as an WebDAV server. WebDAV is a good solution for this requirement because Apache server is flexible when it comes to authentication and WebDAV does not need any special ports opened.

You can consult this tutorial for instructions how to setup Apache as an WebDAV server.

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