Linux – security update in centos, which way is it


Recently something have been bothered with my mind regarding my linux CentOS box.My client have been asking to set up a CentOS machine in their environment which works as server.
One of their requirement is to make sure that the set up is to be as secure as possible.
Mostly have been covered except the security update inside CentOS.

So my question are as follows:

1.. How to apply the latest security,patches or bug fixes in CentOS?

When doing some research, I've been told that we can update the security of CentOS by running

yum install yum-security

but after install this plug in,seems there is no output for this method.Its like this command is not working anymore.

2.. Can i update the security patches through rpm packages?

I couldn't find any site that can download the security patches,enhancement or bug fixes for CentOS.But I know that CentOS have been releasing these update through their CentOS announcement here It just it lack of documentation on how to apply these update into my CentOS installation.

For now the only way that I know is to run

    yum update

I am hoping that someone can help me to clarify these matter.Thanks.

Best Answer

Running the following two commands, will get you up to date with the latest security patches and upgrades available in the CentOS repositories. This answers both your questions.

yum clean all
yum upgrade

You normally always want to stay up to date with the latest packages.

You should also look into actively monitoring available updates, you can do this manually by running the following command.

yum check-update