Linux – Sendmail Alias for Nonlocal Email Account


I admin a server which is running a number of web applications for a software dev team (source control, bug tracking, etc). The server has sendmail running solely as a transport to the departmental email server over which I have no control.

We have someone who is still in the department but no longer on the dev team so I need to configure the transport agent to redirect all outgoing email (which would be coming from these applications) to the person that has taken their place. I added an entry in /etc/aliases like such:

But when I run

/etc/init.d/sendmail newaliases

I get the following error:

/etc/mail/aliases: line 32: cannot alias non-local names

So clearly I'm doing something I shouldn't. Is there a way to get aliases to work with non-local names or alternatively is their a way to accomplish my goal of redirecting outgoing mail for this user to another one?

Technical Specs if the matter:

  • Ubuntu 6.06
  • sendmail 8.13 (ubuntu provided package)

Best Answer

Aliases are username only. If you need to specify the domain name as well then you'll need virtusertable instead.