Linux – Server can be pinged from one server but not from other


I have set up a Linux server in DMZ.

There is another Windows server running in DMZ.
These two servers can be pinged via internet using my home PC.
However, the another Linux server rented from a hosting service provider can only ping to the Windows Server and not the Linux server (accessed via internet).

So the situation is:

Rented Server —ping—> Windows server (DMZ)…..Successful
Rented Server —ping—> Linux server (DMZ)…….Unreachable
Home PC —ping—> Linux server (DMZ)…….Successful
Home PC —ping—> Windows server (DMZ)…..Successful

Both rented server and home pc are accessing through internet but one can ping while other cannot.
I actually want to ftp the backups of Rented Server to the new Linux Server in DMZ.
Can anyone help what might be wrong?

Best Answer

Sounds like a firewall preventing ping to your linux box, check the firewall rules in router and as well as on linux system