Linux – Server rejects connections on svn:// protocol (SVN repositories)


I have Debian OS on my VPS server. I can connect with it via SSH, HTTP, FTP, but when I'm trying to operate on svn:// protocol, my server close connection after about 5 minutes from request.

E.g. I want to send file from my working copy on my local computer to repository. I type:

$ svn commit /path/to/file --username my_username --password my_password

and after some minutes I receive:

svn: E210002: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: E210002: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'svn://[domain]:2000/path'
svn: E210002: Network connection closed unexpectedly

I have svnserve running on 2000 port. My problem appeared yesterday. Some days before everything was OK. I didn't change my authorization data (neither username nor password).
The problem is the same when I try to checkout any repository from this server.

I tried to create working copy (checkout command) on that server from repository which was also located on it and there was no problem.

I think it's some problem with system setting, but I don't know. Additional information:

  • I haven't changed any settings a couple of days before the problem appeared
  • I have upgraded system after problem had appeared.

svnserve logs this:

9727 2013-02-22T15:11:27.461001Z [my_ip_addr] - - ERR /tmp/buildd/subversion-1.6.12dfsg/subversion/libsvn_ra_svn/streams.c 149 210002 Network connection closed unexpectedl

Best Answer

How to debug common connectivity troubles

  • Check state of svnserve on server side: netstat -na | grep :2000 must output 1 line with "LISTENING"
  • If listening, check connection from client side telnet <server> 2000
  • If not telnet'ed into your host - ask for help your ISP's support, provide them data from pp. 1-2