Linux – Set up DNS to pass through unknown domains


I run a linux web server which runs a BIND DNS server, how would i set it up so that if i change my DNS on my home computer to my remotes server ip i could use it as my DNS so that i could add custom records for example to have my own .tld but also still have access to the rest of the internet through this server?

ok, i have done that, added & in my forwards on my servers. Re started the server, but when i browse to a website where the dns is changed to my server it will not retrieve the external request. It also overloads the cpu up to the point to crashing the server 😕

i'm running on a CentOS server on very fast internet connection, 1GB ram. BIND DNS and a LAMP stack.

for some reason when i set my mac internet connection dns servers to my dns server it can bring it down, i need to stop people from doing that.

Best Answer

setup forwarders to your ISP or lets say Google ( and, then bind will see if it can translate the address locally and if it cant it will pass it on to resolve it.

Have a look at

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