Linux – Setting up FTP on brand new EC2 Instance

amazon ec2ftplinux

I'm totally new to EC2 and only familiar with some basic Linux commands. I need to get a new Fedora 8 EC2 instance up to retrieve some data that was on a bad server; I have the data mounted via an EBS volume and I'm trying to FTP to the server now to download them. This is a base install of Fedora 8 using the "LAMP Web Starter (AMI Id: ami-2cb05345)" Instance provided by Amazon.

I have a user account created already, and I installed VSFTPD which is running. However, when I try to connect with FileZilla, I am unable to connect. The old server was using Secure FTP but I did not configure it and don't know what it was using to handle FTP (I googled for "Linux ftp" and found VSFTPD).

I'm primarily a Windows guy so I don't know how to configure this.. can anyone help so I can get these files downloaded??

Best Answer

Linux boxes use SSHd for both SSH and sFTP (secure FTP).

Download a copy of WinSCP to your windows computer, and then use your SSH details to log into the remote server and download all your stuff.

FTP IS BAD! -passwords and data are all transmitted in clear text :(

Hope this helps.

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