Linux – Setting up Samba shares on a Linux VPS


I'm trying to set up a folder that can be accessed via Windows clients over the net on my Linux VPS on which our companies website resides.

I know a little bit about Linux, and have used Samba before to browse Windows shares from a Linux laptop. I'm guessing it's possible to do the reverse – to share a folder from Linux TO a Windows client.

I have root SSH access to the VPS, would anyknow know what steps I need to take to set up the share, and how I can secure it, ideally with a simple username/password so the Windows clients can connect easily?

Many thanks,


Best Answer

Most ISP's block SMB traffic at their routers-so more than likely your clients won't be able to mount the share from outside the VPS providers network.

Configure these lines in smb.conf to setup a Samba share

comment = Insert a comment here
path = /home/share/
valid users = tfox carole
public = no
writable = yes
printable = no
create mask = 0765