Linux – Should I learn more about Ubuntu or Redhat , depending upon market needs


I have installed Ubuntu on local server.
There is centOS on my VPS.

Now there is different method of doing/installing things on both of them.
Someone told me to install Ubuntu as it is easy and more popular now a days.
But what i am seeing is that there is still Red Hat in most companies.

So for that i have to search the same thing twice once for doing in Ubuntu and other for RedHat.

What should i do , Should i install RedHat on local computer or should i continue with ubuntu

I want to know how the market and company trend is going towards

Best Answer

In my experience, the only two Linuxes that are taken seriously by the corporate world are Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES). Everyone else is an also-ran for serious production work. You might find others on the desktop, but not on the money-makers.

That said, there are many non-Linux UNIX platforms that are also very valuable to know: the BSD family, Solaris, HP-UX, etc.