Linux – Should I use the Linux 2.6.x or 3.x kernel on a production server


I'm given a number of kernel options (I'm hosted on linode – all kernels are customized by linode): Latest 2.6; Latest 3.0; and the latest legacy 2.6.18 or so and more.

Will there be much difference if I choose one over the other?
Performance? Stability? Compatibility?
What would be the best choice?

Best Answer

In my opinion, I would continue running the latest 2.6.x kernel. It's been out for a long time, has been and is widely deployed and tested, and your vendor will likely be providing patches for some time.

In my opinion, 3.0 is just too new to put out on real production systems. (I'm talking money generating systems here, not a server that runs a personal blog or photo gallery or the like.) When company money and your job are at stake, I feel it's best to stick with what is known and what works.