Linux – SLAX behaves differently when booted via PXE vs LiveCD from the same iso


I have a SLAX iso that I have created that is used only to run the Citrix ICA client. The ICA client is started in /root/.xinitrc, and when booting from the LiveCD it works properly. /root/.xinitrc is in the rootcopy folder on the iso. However, when booting via pxe, with the from=http://server_ip/slax.iso, /root/.xinitrc doesn't exist and the ICA client isn't started.

I can't for the life of me figure out why this is happening when PXE booting.

Best Answer

I'm not entirely sure why this was happening, but even though I had from=http://server_ip/slax.iso, it was actually pulling from an old slax directory that was on the server. So, the only thing I can guess is that the from line was getting truncated and/or split at the .iso.

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