Linux – Small 64-bit linux server distro with low memory footprint


I am looking for a linux server distro with a low memory footprint. I usually use Ubuntu but I need something with a smaller footprint in order to run a large Java JVM service inside of it and also run X-windows. Any ideas? The Java service needs to handle a 3GB memory heap and so I require a 64-bit OS and JRE.

I am thinking that ArchLinux is the only one that I can find right now. It uses 250MB out of the box (without X-win). Any better suggestions?

Best Answer

what about debian [ although you might say it's almost ubuntu ] ? but as in the case of ubuntu - it's up to you to disable [or not to install] unnecessary services/features. maybe you can run your app / x in headless mode?

edit: indeed screen seems to be much much wiser and less memory intensive solution - if you dont need actual x's... go console!