Linux Software RAID: How to fsck on hard drive

fsckhard drivelinuxraidsoftware-raid

We have a Linux server running with Software RAID1. We see some issues in /var/log/messages like: unreadable sector. I want to perform a complete fsck on the drive to get some more information, but a fsck /dev/md0 brings a clean due to the Software RAID layer in between. How can I check the real hard drive? Do I need to disassemble the whole RAID? How do I deal with the inconsistency in the partition due to the additional Software RAID header?

Does anyone have a good idea for this?

Best Answer

fsck tests the filesystem, but this should be fine as long as the RAID hasn't failed completely.

To test the disk itself, use badblocks (in package e2fsprogs).

badblocks /dev/sda