Linux – SSH: Access local file (redirect local file contents) via remote SSH console


I want to redirect the output of a local command (using local files) to a remote command.

I know doing something like this is possible:

[user@local ~]$ head -c 5 /dev/urandom | ssh server@ "cat"

… but I would like to know if there is a way to do this via the SSH console, just like the scp command that refers both local and remote files:

[user@remote ~]$ scp test.txt remote:/new.txt

Copying the local file to the remote server is undesirable, I would just like to redirect output.

** Both machines run Linux (bash).

Best Answer

I think the best way is to redirect the output to a file and then scp that file to the remote host and then you can run the cat command there.

$ head -c 5 /dev/urandom > random && scp ./random user@remoteip:/path/. && cat /path/random

Hope this will satisfy your needs. Reply if it don't.