Linux – Startup services in linux are running twice


When I reboot my Ubuntu 10.04 32 bit machine all the startup services are started twice.

The startup process looks like this:

Starting apache2
Starting apache2 
(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address 
no listening sockets available, shutting down 
Unable to open logs 


 * Starting MySQL database server mysqld        * Starting MySQL database[ OK ]  * Starting nsd3...        * Starting nsd3...
                                                                             [ OK ] 
 * Starting Postfix Mail Transport Agent postfix        * Starting Postfi[ OK ] Transport Agent postfix        
                                                                             [ OK ] 
 * Starting NTP server ntpd        * Starting NTP server ntpd            [ OK ] 
Starting daemon monitor: monit. 

I checked I don't have duplicate startup links, if I do an update-rc.d -f mysql remove then reboot mysql doesn't start at all, re-adding it still makes is start twice.

The only things in my logs are warnings about everything starting twice.

Has anyone seen this before or have a clue where to poke to find out whats causing it?

Best Answer

I'd guess that your system is possibly going through two runlevels and executing the start scripts in each.

First I'd look at /etc/rc2.d, /etc/rc3.d, /etc/rc4.d - and remove all but one of the start symlinks and see if that works.

Use the "runlevel" command to see what runlevel you are currently in.

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