Linux SUSE – how to check (from root) if a package is already installed


Simple question on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1 (simple for someone who's not a total ignorant on the topic like me I am guessing): how do I check from root if a given package is already installed for all the users?

Any help appreciated!

Note: I am trying to check if tightvnc server is already installed on my distro – Guess not since if I run dbus-launch vncserver I get a 'command not found' message

Best Answer

For SLES11 SP1, the key command is zypper

server:/ # zypper se tightvnc
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S | Name     | Summary                          | Type   
i | tightvnc | A virtual X-Window System server | package

"se" is the short version of 'search'. Also more standard rpm -q tightvnc works as well.

server:/ # rpm -q tightvnc

For zypper the "info" command will give you details about the package, including versions.