Linux symbolic links over a network


Hi everyone,

I am trying to create a symbolic-link (I think) across my network but I have very limited experience with these things and have found online help difficult to come by (perhaps I'm searching for the wrong thing). Below is an explanation of each machine.

Web Server:
The user will SSH into their Linux home directory and then ideally be presented with a symbolic link to the studio server.

Studio Server:
Requires user name and password to access the relevant part of the disc which is different for the user authenticated on the web server.

I have no idea where to start with formulating the symbolic link – can you help?

Sorry, I didn't explain. SSH will be done through a client such as Cyberduck, etc. The users needing to access the network drive aren't familiar with command line and to be fair, I wouldn't want them to be.

I would use FTP but that is already used to point to another machine for public use and I can't change which machine SSH is directed to.

Best Answer

Have a look at the Network File System.