Linux – Sync user accounts over multiple linux servers


What is the best way to sync multiple user accounts and home directories over multiple servers, they will all be the same OS. The servers are in different locations around the world, so if one goes down the others are still available. at the moment there are users on one server but if that server goes down there is no way, other than re-creating users and rsyncing the directories over. So just wondering if there is a better way? I haven't used LDAP but could this be a job for it or not?

Best Answer

I'd recommend starting to use a config management system (Puppet and Chef are two good options at the moment) to deploy user/group data to your servers.

Ideally, you'd have one central LDAP or NIS server, but due to your distributed nature, using a config management system to keep your local user/group databases in sync would be a better option for you.