Linux – Synology cifs mount wont allow execution


I have a synology NAS. I am able to mount a cifs directory fine on linux (tried both centos 6 and Ubuntu 12). I can do everything fine except I can't execute anything on it. If I try tab to complete, it doesn't show any executables, only directories. If I actually type the executable, it says "permission denied" even if I try it as root.

My fstab looks like this:

// /data cifs user,uid=501,rw,suid,credentials=/etc/credentials 0 0 auto

Am I doing something wrong on the linux side? Or is this a synology or NAS in general problem?


Best Answer

This is a really old question but I found it trying to resolve the same issue. I think I have found the solution (at least it worked for me).

I found that if I remove the "user" option the problem goes away. Or, if I use "user,exec" in place of just "user".

I finally found at the bottom on one version of the man page:

user   Allow an ordinary user to mount the filesystem.  The name of the
          mounting user is written to the mtab file  (or  to  the  private
          libmount  file  in /run/mount on systems without a regular mtab)
          so that this same user can unmount the filesystem  again.   This
          option  implies  the  options  noexec, nosuid, and nodev (unless
          overridden  by  subsequent  options,  as  in  the  option   line