Linux – Synology cron job not working


I am not sure where to ask this question but I'll ask here first.

I've got a Synology DS211 server and I am trying to run cron jobs but it is not working.

This is the code I got in the crontab file

10 19 4 * * root /opt/bin/openssh-scp user@remote-server:/home/user/Backup/backup.tar.gz /volume1/Backup/ 

However it is not running.

I am able to run commands with /opt/bin/openssh-scp directly, but not with cron

Is there anything I am doing wrong?

Best Answer

I've got cronjobs working on our DS1010+. In order to do this I had to add the jobs to /etc/crontab and then run /usr/syno/etc.defaults/rc.d/ stop followed by /usr/syno/etc.defaults/rc.d/ start

Instead of running those last 2 commands you can just reboot the NAS instead. As Khaled says you'll also need to make sure that you have keys set up so that you don't need to enter a password for the SCP.

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